Guidelines for Ambulatory Surgery

Members of the SCSPS are ASPS Members. As such they are required to meet very strict training, certification and accreditation requirements/ regulations. If an ASPS member owns or operates in an office based or ambulatory surgery center it must be accredited by one of the three nationally recognized agency’s: Joint Commission (JACHO), The American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities, Inc. (AAAASF) or The Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care.

The SCSPS was instrumental in assisting the South Carolina Medical Association (SCMA) and the South Carolina Board of Medical Examiners (SCBOME) in developing and implementing state guidelines and regulations for ambulatory and office based surgery. Through our efforts all outpatient surgery performed by any practitioner within the state who receive life challenging medications must be conducted in a health care facility that is accredited. Patient safety in surgery is a primary directive of SCSPS members. One we have legislated into law in South Carolina with the support of the SCMA & SCBOME.