Welcome and Thank You for Visiting the South Carolina Society of Plastic Surgeons (SCSPS)
The SCSPS is a non-profit organization devoted to the the advancement of patient safety and quality care. Members are Plastic Surgeons who are Board Certified or Board Eligible by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, Inc. (ABPS) and reside or practice in the State of South Carolina (SC). These Plastic Surgeons are the Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons recognized by the American Board of Medical Specialists (ABMS) to practice the surgical craft of Plastic Surgery. SCSPS are members or candidates for membership in the American Society of Plastic Surgery (ASPS), the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) or both organizations. A primary concern of our members is safe, effective and quality care of plastic surgery patients.
The SCSPS’s supports Legislative initiatives in SC that are for the benefit our Restorative and Regenerative Surgery patients. We demand quality, safe and effective Plastic, Cosmetic and Reconstructive surgery for the citizens of our great state of SC. Our efforts are directed through coalitions, contributions and participation. We try to work with other state organizations like the the South Carolina Medical Society (SCMA) and South Carolina Board of Medical Examiners (SCBOME) to accomplish our mission.
South Carolina Society of Plastic Surgeons 2023 State Meeting
Saturday, March 4, 2023 in Columbia, SC

Location: Capital City Club, Columbia, SC (https://www.invitedclubs.com/clubs/capital-city-club-columbia)
Free to all SCSPSC Members (https://scplasticsurgery.org/fees/dues/scsps-dues/)
Free the all Plastic Surgery Residents/Fellows
2023 Meeting Agenda
Saturday 3/4 (Capital City Club):
8:00-8:45—Speaker- Roger Wixtrom- topic TBD
8:45-9:00—Coffee Break
9:00-10:00—Speaker- Nikki Burrish- Transgender care in South Carolina
10:00-10:15—Coffee Break
10:15-11:00—Speaker- Roger Wixtrom- ACLC, BII and SCC
11:00-11:15—Coffee Break
11:15-12:15—Selected Resident and Student Research Presentations
1:30-2:30—Business Meeting